Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Free download!

Hey everyone, there is an amazing book available for free from the author as an e-book.  The story is about a young guy who is into computers, hacking etc and really prefers not to be at school....anyway one day he and his best mate, Darryl, escape the confines of the school yard in order to hunt real life clues for their favourite online game...then terrorists blow up the Bay Bridge killing thousands of people.

Unfortunately for the kids they are arrested by the Department of Homeland Security along with hundreds of others considered to be suspicious....As a result they form a resistance and things take on a really sinister bent. 

This story brings to life real issues in our life today.  I encourage everyone to read this!  Think 1984 for the 21st century.


just click on the link and then download in your desired format!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The Fantastic Flying books....Oscar Winner!


have sent this to everyone else so now you can see it too.  i love this!

NZ Book Month

March is here and with it winter!  Well that's what it feels like!  Never mind it as also NZ Book Month so we can all curl up with good books.....The New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards Finalists are out...you can check them out at www.nzpostbookawards.co.nz

NZ Book Month is at www.nzbookmonth.co.nz

happy reading!